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Showing posts with label WEB DEVELOPMENT. Show all posts

6 Page Transitions Effects Tutorials in CSS3 and jQuery

CSS3 and jQuery have radically changed the way web designing and development was done. It has allowed designers and developers to create some really beautiful and amazing elements quite easily without much effort or coding. They also prove to be time savers as they also let you complete your task quickly. The best thing about CSS3 and jQuery is that a huge amount of tutorials regarding various different elements and effects are available on the web. This thing makes learning new techniques and creating awesome stuff even easier. These tutorials also help you to experiment with different ideas and create something totally amazing and new. A lot of page transitions effects tutorials are also available on the web. These amazing tutorials allow enhancing the pages with beautiful transition effects. Page transition effects can vary from being quite fancy and aggrandized to being simple and classy. These effects allow you to make your page more attractive and eye-catching.
In this article we are going to showcase a collection of some really amazing Page Transitions Effects Tutorials in CSS3 and jQuery. So check them out, pick the ones you like the best and try creating them for yourself. We hope you would find this collection helpful! So here goes the list..

FullScreen layout with Page Transitions

A simple responsive layout with some fancy page transitions. The idea is to show four items initially and expand them. Some additional page transitions are added for inner items

A Collection of Page Transitions

A showcase collection of various page transition effects using CSS animations

Pesudo-Elements Animations and Transitions

Some creative experiments that use animations and transitions on pseudo-elements to create interesting effects.

CSS Clip Overlay effect EFFECT Transitions

A tutorial about how to create a simple expanding overlay effect using the CSS clip property and CSS transitions.

FullScreen PageFlip Layout

A tutorial on how to create a fullscreen pageflip layout using BookBlock. The idea is to flip the content like book pages and access the pages via a sidebar menu that will slide out from the left.


Gamma Gallery is an experimental responsive image gallery that attempts to provide an adjustable responsive images approach taking its grid layout and the full slideshow view into account.

Best 7 Responsive jQuery Sliders

jQuery’s launch was nothing less than a blessing for the designing and development community. JQuery has totally changed the way one used to create sites as it makes all the work extremely easy and quick. The best thing about jQuery is the availability of plugins which saves your precious time and energy as implementing them on your website won’t require any extensive coding etc. One of the most popular and widely used elements on websites nowadays is content and image sliders. These sliders allow presenting the content in a very chic and organized way and also let you high-light certain content of your choice. These sliders enhance the look of a website as it comes with some really smooth and beautiful transitions and animations.
A lot of different jQuery slider plugins are available out there, but some of them can have glitches – which is something no one wants. So this is where we come to help as today we feature a list of 11 Amazing Responsive jQuery Sliders. The most amazing thing about these plugins is that they are free of cost, easy to use and maintain, offers some really cool features and best of all: are responsive i.e., the have the ability to adapt to different screen dimensions like smartphones, tablets and laptops etc.


This little slider plugin is extremely popular and widely used. It has been used by some really renowned websites like Microsoft’s Build 2012 and Gridset App. This plugin is compatible with various different browsers such as all IE versions from IE6 and almost all the modern browsers. It adds CSS max-width support for browsers that don’t support it. The only requirement is jQuery (1.6 and up) and that the photos are of exact same size.
This awesome slider plugin is for jQuery (1.7.1+) and offers fabulous features such as touch and CSS3 transitions. It is a modern and advanced plugin.

This one is one of the most popular and widely used jQuery image slider. It boasts some really cool visual effects such as rotating, blurring, flipping, blasting, flying, blinds, squares, slices, basic, fading, ken burns, stacking, stacking vertically and basic linear etc. It also offers a lot of different professional templates. It is quite easy to use as it features a point-and-click wizard that allows creating beautiful sliders easily and quickly. WOWSLIDER also offers WordPress slider plugin and Joomla slider module.
As the name suggests, this one is basic slider that is quite simple and minimalistic. It is also quite lightweight and offers only the necessary functionality in a neat and organized way. If you wish to create a basic slider, then this one will be the best choice for you.
This handy image slider boasts animated captions, responsive layout and HTML Elements such as video and iFrame etc. It is quite easy to implement and allows having unlimited number of slides and captions. This slider can be utilized not only as an image slider but also as a photo gallery, banner rotator, banner ads and a presentation etc.
This one is yet another popular slider which is quite handy and customizable. This awesome plugin is responsive and lets you embed HTML element and parallax animation into it.
This responsive content slider boasts support for rich content, touch/swipe, native hardware acceleration and callback API. It is a customizable slider that comes with various amazing features and is quite easy to use.


Cool Six Commodious PHP Functions for Beginners Language

PHP comes up with more than 5000 major functions, checkout at PHP quick reference page. Discussing all of the functions and explaining them may found not possible here but we have selected handy part that are important to be considered. You might find them less trick but things that one should know because they can be widely used in different areas because of their versatility. There are a lot of tips and tricks that being developer you should look at, few of them are covered below.
In previous articles, we have touched the topics like Handy PHP and MySQL Queries for Developers and 22 Best PHP Tutorials For Developers.

1- The Elusory === Operator.

PHP is powerful and smart language. It is also known as loosely typed language because of its better understanding of variables. I noticed on forums and from blog comments, that a lot of people are confused about the usage of == and ===. How they’re different and what are their usages?
PHP do understand the ’431′ as string but it can also be used to do subtraction or in common math. It makes sense! But what creates problem for PHP is the number 0. Zero (0) number can mean both 0 or false which at the end becomes little tricky and complex. There we have === to make the job easy.
Let’s get into the details.
Like any other language == are used for comparing the variables but while comparing the number 0, PHP might consider it as false rather than the actual number 0. That is the best place to use ===. This will not only compares the value but also the type. Use this operator to make sure it’s comparing the actual 0 number.
Example usage
$myVar = false;

// Will return true
if($myVar == 0) {}

// Will return false
if($myVar === 0) {}

2- Use Gravatars in Your Application

This is kinda snippet that I thought may aid readers and is worth sharing. The immense popularity of WordPress also give hand to Gravatar usage. Gravatar provides smart API and made the usage easy to integrate.
-myEmail- Email address to show gravatar for
-gSize - size of gravatar
-url - URL of default gravatar to use
-gRating - rating of Gravatar(G, PG, R, X)
function myGravatar($myEmail, $gSize, $url, $gRating)
echo '<img src="'.md5($myEmail). '&amp;default='.$url.'&amp;size='.$gSize.'&amp;rating='.$gRating.'" alt="" width="'.$gSize.'px" height="'.$gSize.'px" />';
Once you have added the above function, you may call it like below at any area where you want to show the Gravatar image.
myGravatar($myEmail, $gSize, $url, $gRating);

3- Empty() - Ternary Operators

One of the very handy PHP function, which is barely available for any other language isempty() function. A ternary operators work different from if statement. What this function actually do is to check the variable to see if that’s empty or have some value in it. It also check for null, false or number 0 (which are all considered as zero) and returns true or false.
function PassValue($foo)
return false;
or if we use the simple one example using if conditions, we’d have the one of the following:

$myVar = $_GET['myVal'];


$myVar = 'SmashingHub';


// Or something like below does the same job

$myVar = 'SmashingHub';


$myVar = $_GET['myVal'];


4- Function_exists()

This function will check for it that specific function exist or not. It’s kinda conditional statement that will first verify and executes only if that specific function exist. While working in some CMS like WordPress, there are a lot of plugins and functions integrated. Let’s come to an example!
Very back when I was changing my blog theme, while switching I encountered a problem. There was some call to undefined function error displayed at sidebars. I looked into the source code and founded get_flickrrss() function being called, which requires a plugin installed to work.
What I’m trying to clear with above example, if the developer of theme have had used function_exists() to check to execute function only if that plugin function exists or installed.
Bad Usage:
Recommended Usage:
if (function_exists('get_flickrrss')) {



5- Referencing

Referencing is the way to send variables to function without returning anything or setting any variable globally. This method will just alter the original variable. We use an ampersand (&) symbol in the start of function.
function lowercase(&amp;$myString){

$myString= strtoupper($myString);


$myName = 'smashinghub';


echo $myName;  // returns SMASHINGHUB
In above example, we called strtoupper method and pass through the $myName, which have altered the actual string value.
For sure there are benefits in going with referencing like returning anything is not important from the function and you don’t have to define them as for globally accessible.

6- Similar_text

Last but not the least, PHP have a similar_text function that will check for the two string for the similarity.
similar_text($myVar1, $myVar2, $sPercent);
//$sPercent will return the percentage of similarity

Closing Thoughts

PHP have a lot of learning margin, even we know very big part but overall that’s just a one dimension. It’s a way more extensive thing. Being a good developer, we always tend on learning and sharing useful stuff with fellows to help others and to sharp your very own skills.
What’s your favorite functions list? Do you have some smart snippets that you think should be shared to world? Let us know in below comments.

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