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Best 5 Tips For Increasing Traffic Fastly

Increasing your blog traffic seems to be the hardest part when you start your blogging journey. I’m pretty sure most of the bloggers5 Steps to Increase Your Blog Traffic out there having hard time getting huge amount of traffic to your blog no matter how much effort you put into your blog.
I l totally agree with you when you say its hard 10 years back, because you need to put great efforts  with a doubt whether it will work or just going to be waste of time. As a newbie blogger, you might be in the same situation right now!
I will share a simple strategy on how you can increase your blog traffic the right way…
If you utilize this guide and do the right thing, getting 2,000 pageviews will be a piece of cake… Trust me!
Your gain is my gain…
Never miss spending merely 2 hours to 2 ½ hours on executing the following 5 steps blog traffic strategy.

Step 1: Killer Blog Post

You should allocate one hour to research and write a killer blog post which should be the most important content which will boost your blog. You don’t have to write a killer blog post every single day. If you’re new, make sure to write 2 killer blog posts per week. Slowly, decrease it to one killer blog post a week. So the 2 hours that you’re going to spend will be for the killer blog post.
Don’t get exhausted…  Have a cup of coffee when you’re doing your research…
Basically, you need to spend 6 up to 12 hours of work for your killer post. If you don’t have any clue what killer blog posts is about and how it differs from normal blog post, carefully look at the explanation.
Killer blog post is a long well-structured content which is important in delivering extraordinary information for your potential visitors. Let’s say, you have an android jailbreak blog, for example, you could write a blog post with “Top 20 Free Android Jail breaking Resources”. Here are some great points for killer blog posts:
  • Create a list of  android jail breaking resources (i.e. free tutorial, step by step guide)
  • Write a detailed guide to teach android users to jailbreak their android devices to use great features and apps.
  • Provide solution for android users for the problems they encounter.
  • Write a deep analysis on android jailbreak methods and add great value for your visitors.
The killer blog post should attract your visitors and encourage them to share the great information with his friends.

Step 2 :Communication

Communication is important, especially when you’re new to blogging. Spend an hour a day for the following communication tasks:-
  • Interact with the authority bloggers within your niche via Facebook, Twitter, email or Skype.
  • Write high quality comments on authority blogs of your niche.
  • Link to other bloggers post within your niche through your blog post
Always remember the main purpose of communication is to build a genuine relationship with your competitors. Never ever approach other bloggers just because they can help you to promote and advertise your blog.
Bare this in your mind…
Approach your competitors for the quality work they produce and think how both of you could grow your blog together with mutual understanding.

Step 3: Viral Marketing

Ok you’re done with your killer blog post…
How are you going to get it across the Internet and make it viable for your visitors?
The first thing is the promotion of your killer blog posts. Whenever, you’re done with your killer blog post, make sure to promote them for maximum exposure.
  • Notify the blogger within your niche about the blog post through email, Facebook or any desire social network.
  • Get your like-minded friends to share your killer blog post via Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Pinterest and other familiar social networking sites.
  • Post the excerpt of your article on forums and social groups.
Just spend around 30 to 45 minutes on this task. If you have extra time left, concentrate on search engine optimization and social media optimization to promote you whole blog rather than emphasizing on your killer blog post.
Search Engine Optimization… What you should optimize?
SEO in 2013 emphasizes more on the quality of content and backlinks. If compared to the previous years the importance of content playing a big role in year 2013.

Step 4: Create Normal Blog Post

Do you thin killer blog post is enough for your blog?
You’re absolutely wrong…
Normal blog post is as important as your killer blog post as it spice up your blog. Normal blog posts need to be scheduled to be published consistently in between your killer blog post. For an example, you’re posting your killer blog post every Friday, so you can post your normal blog post from Monday to Thursday.
Ok… I hope you’re ok so far…
How to get ideas for your normal blog posting?
  • Write about the latest news in your niche.
  • New tricks and techniques that you have learnt recently that would be beneficial for your readers.
  • Create a discussion blog post where your readers can share their opinion with comments.
For a normal blog posting you can spend around 45 minutes to an hour…

Step 5: Power of Comments

Most of the time I have encountered blogs where the author never ever interact with fellow readers through comments…
Commenting on your own blog shows your readers that you value their opinions and suggestion which will increase your reader loyalty…

So what you need to do now….
Take Action!! Start working on your blog and schedule it the right way to increase your blog traffic…
Always Remember…
Killer Blog Post promotes and leverages your blog and normal blog post will create diversity in your content and keep your fellow readers engaged!



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