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Showing posts with label Blogging. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Blogging. Show all posts

Best Tools for Getting Backlinks

In this post, I will cover the recommended tools for getting backlinks. Backlinks are one of the better ways of improving your website. This helps you to bring in traffic in multiple ways, directly from the links themselves, from search engines, and from the spread of popularity of your site. By taking advantage of this, you will be able to see your website grow quite a bit. This is especially true if these come from more popular websites where there is higher traffic and the site itself is better as a whole. You will be able to create something incredible when doing this properly and when making use of the tools out there.

What Are Backlinks? 

For those who may not know, backlinks are simply links to your website from across the web. While this might seem as small, there is a lot to it. Other sites post these and the links are created either through content that you publish or through original works from the site itself. They are small, simple links that tell the visitors where information was obtained or where more can be found. While it sound nice at first, you have to remember the amazing benefits that follow. This is much more than just a connection between your two sites, especially when you consider the boost that it gives to SEO.
The obvious benefit is the direct traffic. When there is a link to your site from theirs, you are bringing in some of their readers or viewers. These are people who would not have known that you exist otherwise, allowing you to appeal to a much larger audience. There is also the boost in SEO that you get from this. With how PageRank works, you are going to want to take advantage of it. You will be creating more links, which is what this uses to determine which sites appear higher. When people are searching for you or what you offer, you will be more likely to be at the top of their list, or at least as far up there as possible.

Useful Tools for Backlinks

There are some useful tools out there for you. One of the biggest is going to be Google, which is where you should turn when trying to make use of it. There are others, as well, like Majestic SEO. The main point of them is to see the quality of the sites used for links. Yes, different sites will affect this differently. The more well known and trusted it is, the more likely it will be to help you. Some of the lesser known ones, however, will barely make a dent in your search engine results. You want to make sure that your choices are the right ones if you are to make use of this.
Backlinks can prove very helpful if done properly. You will be able to see your website grow and you will be able to attract far more traffic in various ways. It is also going to help you with PageRank since this will give your site a boost with it. As long as you are using the best sites possible, you will be able to turn simple links into your success.


Best 5 Tips For Increasing Traffic Fastly

Increasing your blog traffic seems to be the hardest part when you start your blogging journey. I’m pretty sure most of the bloggers5 Steps to Increase Your Blog Traffic out there having hard time getting huge amount of traffic to your blog no matter how much effort you put into your blog.
I l totally agree with you when you say its hard 10 years back, because you need to put great efforts  with a doubt whether it will work or just going to be waste of time. As a newbie blogger, you might be in the same situation right now!
I will share a simple strategy on how you can increase your blog traffic the right way…
If you utilize this guide and do the right thing, getting 2,000 pageviews will be a piece of cake… Trust me!
Your gain is my gain…
Never miss spending merely 2 hours to 2 ½ hours on executing the following 5 steps blog traffic strategy.

Step 1: Killer Blog Post

You should allocate one hour to research and write a killer blog post which should be the most important content which will boost your blog. You don’t have to write a killer blog post every single day. If you’re new, make sure to write 2 killer blog posts per week. Slowly, decrease it to one killer blog post a week. So the 2 hours that you’re going to spend will be for the killer blog post.
Don’t get exhausted…  Have a cup of coffee when you’re doing your research…
Basically, you need to spend 6 up to 12 hours of work for your killer post. If you don’t have any clue what killer blog posts is about and how it differs from normal blog post, carefully look at the explanation.
Killer blog post is a long well-structured content which is important in delivering extraordinary information for your potential visitors. Let’s say, you have an android jailbreak blog, for example, you could write a blog post with “Top 20 Free Android Jail breaking Resources”. Here are some great points for killer blog posts:
  • Create a list of  android jail breaking resources (i.e. free tutorial, step by step guide)
  • Write a detailed guide to teach android users to jailbreak their android devices to use great features and apps.
  • Provide solution for android users for the problems they encounter.
  • Write a deep analysis on android jailbreak methods and add great value for your visitors.
The killer blog post should attract your visitors and encourage them to share the great information with his friends.

Step 2 :Communication

Communication is important, especially when you’re new to blogging. Spend an hour a day for the following communication tasks:-
  • Interact with the authority bloggers within your niche via Facebook, Twitter, email or Skype.
  • Write high quality comments on authority blogs of your niche.
  • Link to other bloggers post within your niche through your blog post
Always remember the main purpose of communication is to build a genuine relationship with your competitors. Never ever approach other bloggers just because they can help you to promote and advertise your blog.
Bare this in your mind…
Approach your competitors for the quality work they produce and think how both of you could grow your blog together with mutual understanding.

Step 3: Viral Marketing

Ok you’re done with your killer blog post…
How are you going to get it across the Internet and make it viable for your visitors?
The first thing is the promotion of your killer blog posts. Whenever, you’re done with your killer blog post, make sure to promote them for maximum exposure.
  • Notify the blogger within your niche about the blog post through email, Facebook or any desire social network.
  • Get your like-minded friends to share your killer blog post via Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Pinterest and other familiar social networking sites.
  • Post the excerpt of your article on forums and social groups.
Just spend around 30 to 45 minutes on this task. If you have extra time left, concentrate on search engine optimization and social media optimization to promote you whole blog rather than emphasizing on your killer blog post.
Search Engine Optimization… What you should optimize?
SEO in 2013 emphasizes more on the quality of content and backlinks. If compared to the previous years the importance of content playing a big role in year 2013.

Step 4: Create Normal Blog Post

Do you thin killer blog post is enough for your blog?
You’re absolutely wrong…
Normal blog post is as important as your killer blog post as it spice up your blog. Normal blog posts need to be scheduled to be published consistently in between your killer blog post. For an example, you’re posting your killer blog post every Friday, so you can post your normal blog post from Monday to Thursday.
Ok… I hope you’re ok so far…
How to get ideas for your normal blog posting?
  • Write about the latest news in your niche.
  • New tricks and techniques that you have learnt recently that would be beneficial for your readers.
  • Create a discussion blog post where your readers can share their opinion with comments.
For a normal blog posting you can spend around 45 minutes to an hour…

Step 5: Power of Comments

Most of the time I have encountered blogs where the author never ever interact with fellow readers through comments…
Commenting on your own blog shows your readers that you value their opinions and suggestion which will increase your reader loyalty…

So what you need to do now….
Take Action!! Start working on your blog and schedule it the right way to increase your blog traffic…
Always Remember…
Killer Blog Post promotes and leverages your blog and normal blog post will create diversity in your content and keep your fellow readers engaged!


Success Key Habit For PPC

Every website owner wants to be successful. Simply wanting it is not enough, however. You need to take the steps to make sure that your website is at its best. While great content and services help, it is not going to work alone. You need to increase visibility with low investment, which is where Pay Per Click advertising can help. This gives you the chance to bring in a lot more interest without overpaying. When managed properly, you will be able to see quite a bit of success coming your way. This is something that really can work out for you over time, as long as you go about this in the best manner possible.

What is Pay Per Click? 

When you think, “What is Pay Per Click?” you need to look at the name. That can tell you quite a bit about this and why it is so popular for marketing. You are paying per click of your advertisement. If you create a campaign and pay to have advertisements all over the web, you are only paying for the ones that work out. This can save you a large amount of money, especially when you consider the low traffic that many websites experience. You are not going to be paying for them to just host your advertisement. This means that you are much more likely to see a return on the investment.
While it is very helpful, you do need to go about this in the right way. PPC marketing is not as simple as creating something and then watching it go. You need to put a lot of thought into the creation itself as well as the management. Your pay per click advertisements should have quality keywords included. You need to do research before even creating your campaign to see what would be best. Learn more about what is trending in your specific field and see what negative keywords there are to avoid.
Once you have everything running, you need to watch it and care for it. This is like your child, and it cannot survive on its own. Pay Per Click management is all about how you are attracting people to it. This means that you have to use the right keywords and you have to continue with research. You want to appeal to people and to the changing times, which only happens when you are putting effort into this. Regularly look into the performance of your keywords with Google Insight and see if there are any changes that need to be done.

Driving Traffic To Your Website Using PPC

If you continue with Pay Per Click management, your website can experience incredible growth. You will be able to push it further towards success while creating something that attracts your target audience. There is a higher chance of effectiveness thanks to the work possible here. Since there is a low investment with Pay Per Click, you are not going to have to spend a large amount of money to get this started. Continue with it and you can see some great profits coming your way.


Latest Contest Website Winner Ideas

A couple of weeks ago I launched a contest where readers needed to comment with an idea for a website they wanted to launch. The prize was a paid-up hosting account for 3 years to develop said website. Below you’ll find the winners and their respective ideas (if you are one of them you’ll receive an email from me later today):

Winner 1: Michael P.

I’m a person who believes that learning new things can greatly improve a person’s life. I don’t just want to create a new site where people can learn new things; in my experience learning how to learn is important too.
Sometimes our schools teach students what to learn — they advise students to study hard. But, not all students has learned how to study effectively. There are various methods which can help students (or any person) learn more effectively, such as these:
-Use of mnemonics to aid in encoding, storage, and then retrieval of information.
-Knowledge of self-development concepts like state control, relaxation techniques, and visualization to help the student in making themselves feel better (important in high-pressure situations like final exams).
-Techniques on how to study reading material, such as books and journals, effectively by using techniques like speed reading and effective note taking.
-Learning concepts like the Pareto Principle (80/20 rule), so the student can prioritize the material that he/she will study, while maximizing results at the same time.
-How to use the internet effectively to aid studying. For example, an online text-to-speech program which turns text to an mp3 file — which is then played on an MP3 player, can greatly assist in reviewing material.
Those are just some of the ideas I can think of for now. But if you ask me on what technique can help a student greatly (to use the Pareto Principe, the 20% that brings 80% of the results), that would be mnemonics. So, I would like to start with that if I’ll be given the chance to start a new website about learning.
Aside from teaching the students mnemonic techniques, like the link method, method of loci, and peg system, it would also be cool if students can practice those technique using a web-based app or a local offline program. I know some programming, so I think I can create some of those.
If I would visualize the site, it would have primarily articles or blog posts, written by me or people who might also be interested in helping students learn. Then, it will have some online tests where they can practice the techniques they have learned.
If the site would further grow, then, it may support having personalized accounts, where users can:
  • Bookmark articles or tests that they like.
  • View past test results.
  • Join groups who are interested in learning a certain subject matter.
  • Share useful information with other students via links or posts.
  • Unlock achievements (to borrow concepts from video games)

Winner 2: Hannah

Hello! My name is Hannah, and I am a freelance writer who resides in the United Kingdom. For a while now, I have been thinking about creating a blog promoting responsible pet ownership, focusing mainly on dogs and cats. Prior to writing, I worked at an animal rescue for almost half a decade so I have plenty of experience in this field and a lot of knowledge to share. My blog would include in-depth information on health and nutrition, training and behaviour, and so forth, along with the odd product review and updates on my own dogs: Finley, a Staffordshire Bull Terrier cross Rottweiler, and Darwin, a Miniature Dachshund.
I think a blog like this would be popular because, well, everyone loves animals, right? I have done extensive research within this niche and feel that there is definitely a place for this kind of blog. Most pet blogs are either written from the perspective of dog or cat instead of a person, or promote toys, food and treats full of cereals and other nasties that could be seriously detrimental to your pets health.
I feel that I could really make a difference within the pet community.

Winner 3: Gaurav Singh Gahlain

I am from India and it is a country hard hit by corruption. I would love to create a website where people can come and share their views about the corruption in their region. While being anonymous, users can put evidences like photos and videos on the site. There will be tight integration with the social networks so that other people might join in.
This being a serious issue, I am not sure whether the evidences will lead to any actions against the culprits, but at least people will learn about them being corrupt and the fear of possible notoriety might put some on the right path.
This site can be popular regionally, and might be expanded to other countries because corruption is an evil that needs to be eradicated. In India, people love to have a say in such things and I am quite sure this idea will gain popularity and will be a small step to bring India on the right track.
Source :

Adsense Alternatives Ads Networks

Possibilities are you’ve heard of or at least utilized Google’s CTR-based marketing network– Google AdSense if you make money from your website or blog.
Google Adsense has, if we may, 2 distinct sort of publishers. Those who continuously get regular monthly cheques from Google, we call them the delighted publishers. The others, the not so delighted publishers.
This short article is catered for the latter team. Publishers have the tendency to search for an alternative for all types of reason. Below’s a list of contextual advertisement networks like Google Adsense, suggesting they reward you monetarily when site visitors clicked the contextual advertisements showed on your website.
Basically– they are the Best AdSense alternatives. We hope you discover them helpful.

Best Ad Networks – Adsense Alternatives

We have actually not utilized many of the advertisement networks below in the past. This is an effort to bring and find to your awareness more choices of contextual advertisements publishing. We recommend you to hang around thoroughly having a look at even more information (advertisement efficiencies, advertisement size/format, payout limit, repayment technique, online testimonials, etc) of any specific advertisement network you mean to make use of on your website.


When publishers come to find for an Adsense alternative, Chitika is most likely one of the leading selection. Chitika’s advertisements are search question steered, that indicates your site visitors will certainly not see the advertisements unless they are entering the website using online search engine.
Even with being among the most well-liked AdSense alternatives, Chitika’s advertisement efficiency are still a little bit on the reduced side for the majority of publishers. Publishers should certainly have a top quality website and make an application for Chitika’s Silver degree or Gold degree advertisement school in order to see rise in with regards to profits.

Yahoo! Bing NetworkYahoo! Bing Network

This brand-new advertisement network is a partnership of 2 of the most significant online search engine on the web, and it ought to not be perplexed with Yahoo’s alreadying existing YPN and Microsoft’s adCenter. Publishers of the Yahoo Bing Net handle their advertisement facilities by means of
Among the benefits of Yahoo Bing Network compare with Google AdSense is maybe its potential to permit publishers to tailor their advertisement spaces in regards to design (dimension, shade, forms) so it mixtures much better with their corresponding website.


Kontera utilizes the in-text advertising and marketing model. In summary, in content advertisements do not use up extra advertisement areas, instead, they examine your website’s material and transform appropriate key phrases or expressions in to hyperlinked content advertisement.
Kontera is based upon a CPC model, in yet another words publishers make money when site visitors click the advertisements. The advertisements personalized, that indicates you have the ability to modify the colour of the links, regulate the thickness of content hyperlinks and even limit transforming any kind of particular key words in to a content advertisement.


Clicksor has a selection of various sorts of advertisement styles. The 2 well-liked ones you might intend to consider are their content advertisements (Google AdSense similar) and in-text advertisements (Kontera similar).
Clicksor’s payment term is Net 15, and you could select cheque or Paypal repayment choice as long as your profits go over $50.00.

vibrant mediaVibrant Media

Much like Kontera, Vibrant Media is yet another advertisement network noteworthy for their in-text advertisements. Lively Media has actually just recently released 2 kinds of advertisement styles for added income flows, specifically the in-image advertisements which incorporate content advertisements within pictures, and show advertisements which deals with a Cost per-thousand Impressions (CPM) model.


AdSide’s banner advertisement style looks really much like Google AdSense with one exemption– it has a thumbnail left wing side of each row of advertisement.
AdSide advertisements focus on greatly on United States, Canada and United Kingdom site visitors. It could function for you if you have an amountful of web traffics coming from these stated areas.


Infolinks is yet one more in-text advertising and marketing network. If the existing in-text advertisement network is not carrying out well, they could likewise be thought about an excellent alternative.


LinkWorth is an industry for offering and purchasing content connects. They have great deals of items to meet numerous sort of needs from marketers and publishers. Blog writers have the ability to generate income from their blog sites offering content web links in different means on their marketers and blog sites have the ability to obtain first class back links and website traffic for their website through content hyperlinks which inevitably aid them produce even more company from their web sites.


You have the selection whether to instantly accept advertisements that will certainly show up, or you could be emailed every time a deal is made and you by hand authorize. Does not make use of any kind of advertisement room so could be utilized with various other advertisement networks. 2 advertisement kinds readily available, textlinks inside the material and connected textlinks that show up inside of the sidebar.

How to add or Change Favicon in Blogger Blog?

Favicon (Favorites Icon) is the small picture (usually 16px x 16px in size) you see beside some some site's name in your browser's address bar.

To add/change your favicon follow the below steps:

Step1: Log in blogger & go to your blog.
Step2: Now click layout

 Step3: Then click Edit on the “Favicon” above the navbar.
Step4: After you have selected favicon image, click Save button. Blogger will automatically resize and upload the selected favicon image to your blog.

Your new favicon should start appearing in some time. If the favicon on your Blogger blog does not update, make sure you clear all history from web browser and then check for it.

Cool Productivity Tools For Designers

Let’s face it: the life of the average freelance web designer isn’t always that rose garden you were promised by your drunken 9 to 5 friends down at the pub. You are responsible for everything, from designing to billing, while having to manage your time wisely and efficiently. Here are 10 tools that will help you do just that, allowing you to spend a little bit more time designing, and a little less time figuring out what you were supposed to do next.

Google Docs

Google Docs allows you to create, manage and upload your files from your desktop, and then access them from any computer or smart phone. You actually must have it if you’re working as a part of a team, since each of you will be able to modify documents from anywhere in the world. And for those private freelance souls who live in constant fear of a hard disk crash, it will allow to sleep that much easier.


Why run around from this computer to that laptop to find your bookmarks? Xmarks syncs all of your bookmarks and favorites across browsers (they support Firefox, Cgrome, Explorer and Safari) and computers. There’s also a function of a “Smarter Search”, which promises to highlight the top sites in your search according to how other users have bookmarked and rated them.


Even the invincible Batman had Alfred to remind him of the day’s chores on an especially hung-over morning, so why should you struggle to remember every little thing? Subernova tracks time left for projects, allows you to create tasks to team members, send invoices and estimates, schedule an email to a client (or your mother, if need be) and even includes a time-tracker so you can charge a project by time.

Remember the Milk

Another good (and free of charge, which makes it even better) time-management tool. Remember the milk allows you to create and manage multiple task lists from any computer and smart phone, as well as offline. You can also add locations to tasks and organize your tasks by tags. As of July 2011, the site boasts of over 2.5 million registered users.

Browser Shots

This beautiful tool makes screenshots of your website in every browser. How is this done? You start by submitting your site URL, select the browsers you want to inspect, grab a coffee while you wait for Browser Shots to do its thing, and these get uploaded to your site.

Designers Tool Box

A clever tool for both Print and web designers, since it saves that time you spend pondering on envelope sizes, DVD/CD covers and labels, business card sizes and much more. Web designers will get a kick out of the web safe areas, banner sizes, web browser elements, HTML characters, etc.

URL Stats

Websitegrader and WooRank are both solid and free SEO tools that measure how well your site is doing on the web. Both offer various measurements of traffic and social media popularity. WooRank also provides you with a delightful masochistic feature – checking out your competitors’ performance.


Success Idea of 15 Way To Download Youtube Videos

Watching videos online is of the most beloved activity one does on internet. And everybody has a specific website on which he or she watches videos regularly. The most common websites being Youtube, MegaVideo, MetaCafe, Daily Motion, Veoh, Vimeo etc. But watching videos online can be a daunting task if your internet connection speed is not up to the mark.
Would not this be actually terrific idea to first download those video clips at that point and see videos like you would see a complete motion picture, without hindrances? The website does not get an inbuilt download buttons yet that does not matter, given that we have actually collected 15 Ways to download youtube video files when it comes to practically every achievable system.

Download via Website Solutions:

Exactly ought to operate a short download? Attempt these couple of internet downloaders where all you ought to carry out is actually placing the video clip LINK in search box and you will get download links.


Simply get the video clip LINK (online video’s web page address / URL) as well as click on the Download tab. You will certainly at that point be asked a variety of layouts the online video that you can download, with all their download web links. Go to on the proper web link as well as the online video will certainly have that downloaded.


SaveVid is actually an internet downloader which sustains downloading video clips through numerous other online video streaming web sites. The procedure of downloading is actually straightforward: enter into the video recording’s web page LINK in the input field and press Download button. You’ll observe the download choices– go on to your preference style and download the videos.


The procedure of installing video clips through ClipNabber is actually exact same as others : enter the video URL web page in the input area and press the button Nab! You’ll observe the several styles the video clip could be actually downloaded in. Pick your beloved style and it begins installing the video file.


Only like KeepVid, you require to insert the online video’s webpage URL with in the input (LINK) area on the internet site and also press a download button. You will be able to likewise produce a simple download links simply by placing in face of any kind of LINK to download the online video of the webpage.

Download via Internet browser Extensions / Plugins:

There are actually lots of internet browser resources that can easily assist you install your video clips really quick. There is actually no need change your web browsers to make use of these since we have all major browsers covered.

SaveFrom.Net Associate is actually an internet tool and also a web browser extension which aids individuals download video recordings through a variety of websites. Having this extension mounted in your web browser, you simply should start the video recording’s webpage and also select the expansion tab (existing near top-right of the web browser).
This will definitely start a brand-new webpage about the online video’s download web links in different formats. This is actually readily available online and also when it comes to:


FastestTube places a Download tab below the online video. A menu selection shows up when selecting this, which presents various formats. You can select the video recording format and also download will definitely begin!
This is actually obtainable in different browsers:


(Safari) YouTube5 is actually a downloader when it comes to the Safari web browser which alters the default YouTube player, and also improves the online video encounter simply by giving some cold things like quantity command button, potential to shift resolutions within the user, downloading online videos, and many more.
You will be able to download video clips simply by clicking the online video resolution received the participant.

Video DownloadHelper

(Firefox) DownloadHelper is actually a Firefox addon which enables you to download online videos as well as photos through a lot of websites incorporating YouTube, The search engine Videos, DailyMotion, and many more. This extension enable to likewise transform downloaded video recordings to your favourite layout.
When DownloadHelper senses that a website possesses information that could be installed, its image animates as well as you may hit the image and also opt for the proper alternative through the menu selection.

Easy YouTube Video Downloader

(Firefox) Easy YouTube Online video Downloader is actually one more Firefox addon about far fewer however essential characteristics to download YouTube videos. Its image comes under the YouTube video file which presents a list of accessible (downloadable) video clip formats. Opt for the one you require and download is going to begin.

FVD Rooms

(Internet Explorer) A great YouTube video downloader when it comes to IE, FVD Collection includes a tab to the toolbar of the web browser.
Download videos is actually very simple: open up the video clip web page and hit the tab. Decide on the format and also savor checking out the downloaded online video.

Video clip Download

(Internet Explorer) Video Download, an additional downloader beneficial to Internet Explorer, includes an alternative direct inside the (right-click) context menu.
Grabbing videos clips is actually just a simple right-click upon whatever online video link. After that, all in all one must perform is decide on the alternative to grab that online video.

Download From Desktop

Are you a hefty downloader of videos through YouTube or perhaps through other video web sites on the market? Go to the desktop downloaders that will certainly have the ability to satisfy the majority of, otherwise all, of your video installing necessities.

YTD Video Downloader

(Win) This video downloader is actually a device when it comes to downloading and install videos through much more than 60 video internet sites featuring YouTube. You exactly must insert the video’s URL in the input profession and also decide on the download superior (or perhaps layout) as well as click the Download button.
This able to even switch the downloaded videos in to different video styles. This is actually offered when it comes to Windows.

Fastest YouTube Downloader

(Win, Mac) In requirement when it comes to rate when this relates to downloads? You must provide this a try. This is actually a YouTube downloader which declares that this ams able to download, when it comes to a costs rate, 100x faster compared to typical download rates.
This can easily download videos as well as transform all of them into MP3 or even numerous video layouts of your option. There is actually additionally a cost-free model and also a qualified variation. This is actually obtainable when it comes to Windows and also Mac Operating System.

Download From Mobile Devices

Downloads are actually not just when it comes to netbooks or perhaps personal computers. You can easily additionally download videos to see on your mobile phones and also tablet computers.


(iOS) TubeBox is actually a total attribute iOS client when it comes to YouTube and also DailyMotion. You’ll come to be a follower of TubeBox also if you savor checking out videos on these 2 websites.
TubeBox allows you download YouTube videos straight in to your phone or perhaps iPad. Additional over, this holds overview playback, HD layouts, as well as offline video having fun.


(Android) TubeMate is actually a YouTube downloader when it comes to the Android program. Making use of TubeMate, you am able to effortlessly explore and also download YouTube videos precisely your Android equipment without the necessity of a COMPUTER. This application is actually very easy as well as basic to utilize.


(Android) WonTube may be made use of to download YouTube videos on your Android phone or perhaps tablet computer. WonTube possesses an in-app web browser where you may surf YouTube videos and also hunt videos. To download a video, open up the video’s webpage in WonTube and click the download button.

4 Best Advertising Networks And Earn For Blogger

Pay per click (PPC) is an Internet advertising used on websites, where advertisers pay when the ad is clicked. Here is a list of money making websites for those who are looking for how to make money online.
As we know that there is lots of scam online so trying to make money is almost an impossible task if you have no idea what you are doing. Then the first thing is that you have to understand that every money making websites are not scam. The list is beneficial for those who don’t have idea about it.
In this we manage our blog or website according to requirement we set ads, links at various places. A blog which is regularly updated with good content, which attracts clients, is definitely going to earn some money.
Here we have great list of that websites which gives you money online by placing ads when that ads are clicked by reader then your earn money. These are the major source of monetizing our blog but if we placed these ads smartly then we surely earn more.
There is a smart list of websites please check it out

1. Google Adsense

2. Chitika

3. Amazon

4. Blogads


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